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Want to communicate more effectively with your partner? Click HERE!
I am an expert at relationships now. But I wasn't always.
I bottomed out in 2016 when I went through my last and final divorce. Just in case you didn't catch that in my book, I have been married 5 times and divorced 4. I always felt I was created to be a wife, to serve in the capacity of being a help-meet and to live happily ever after.
Problem is, I kept choosing wrong. My desire to not be alone was stronger than my desire to be a wife in a healthy relationship. I proved this to myself because I jumped in and out of relationships with my heart on my sleeve, open and waiting to be confused, angered, deserted, disrespected and left alone.
But as I left the divorce court I was determined to not ever go through that pain again. But even though I was determined, I didn't know what to do or how to do it.
I was devastated. I was angry. I was resentful. But I quickly realized that I needed to do something and I needed to something FAST! So I spent an entire year googling, studying and learning everything I could about "how to have a healthy relationship" and I did everything the internet and the books I read told me. I learned, I healed and then I took all I learned and turned it into programs, tools and strategies that I now teach my clients.
Ooh, chile, I was a hot mess and it took me quite a while to get my life back on track. I learned a whole lot along the way, but the most important lesson I learned was to believe in myself. I have personally coached thousands of individuals and couples and impacted millions by way of my social media platforms.
You want to know what? You can believe in yourself too. I know this because I have coached women just like you. Providing them with tools and strategies on how to Build their confidence, Rediscover who they are after giving so much to someone else, Finally Achieve goals that they put to the side because other people were more important than themselves, Navigate their emotions to finally work FOR them and stop working against them. So they could finally Drop the baggage and Surpass the self-limiting beliefs they developed after years of trauma and dysfunctional relationships.
These are techniques that I didn’t have, techniques that would have made my journey so much easier.
I do what I do because becoming your own B.R.A.N.D.S.™ isn't just some cute acronym, but it's a movement - the way to healing and staying healed. It’s different. And I get results.
I don’t want you to go through what I went through, have to make the same mistakes, and learn the hard way, like I did.
I know the exact reason you keep getting into the same types of relationships that end with the same results. I have simple strategies to show you how confidently get back to the you that you love and unpacking those bags and putting them away.
And guess what else? If you are ready to put in effort, I will double that to get you to believing in yourself and love again.
I help you...
I found the freedom after my last divorce and to be honest, I didn’t think that was possible. I want to share my knowledge and experience to make it easier for you. I want to help you find the same freedom, stop being angry or depressed and can start living the life you have always wanted to live.
I believe in you and I’ll show you how to believe in you too.
"In order to create healthy, loving and long-lasting relationships, one must first BE that within themselves. Then, they are able to gift that within the relationship of their desire. Neglecting to do the SELF-WORK (putting in the time, money and energy in all areas of life) keeps you in an never-ending cycle of fear, doubt and pain from a past that will never show up in your future until you, yourself, puts it there. Therefore, if what you have been doing, for as long as you can remember, has you in the same place, relationship after relationship, after relationship... it apparently is not working. So isn't it about time you tried something different?"
~Coach Michelamonè
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